Trace Investigations

Tracing people in debt

Expert Trace Investigations Professionals

When thinking about trace investigations you need to think outside of the box. People in Britain move house an average of eight times during their lives. Not everyone will keep you updated on this relocation. As a results there are millions of pounds lost annually, creditors are no longer able to contact clients or customers.

Our trace investigations team, spend their time searching high and low to gather every piece of information required. We can locate both individuals and business to conduct our investigation in a variety of ways. Grey Investigators regularly complete traces with massive success.

Remember, we can only research from the information you give us and we charge for the service of conducting the search on databases otherwise unavailability to the general public.

Therefore please include as much information as possible when sending the details of the person you wish to search. The spelling and accuracy of the information we receive is very important.

What happens when we find the missing person

Once your information has been obtained, our investigation team are able to attend the address. We do this to either contact the individual or confirm residency upon request via additional surveillance investigations. 

People in debt often try to avoid payment. Our investigators will use their experience and dedication to find and deliver you the new location of the stated individual. 

Please email us with details of the stated individual you would like to trace. A full name and date of birth are required to conduct a search however additional information such as previous addresses, occupation and work locations will always help.


Tracing Missing people. Trace services. tracing. find missing people. background checks. private investigation. Private investigators. trace investigations

Tracing Missing Persons With Our Trace Investigations

We are able to Trace any person with a full name and date of birth. please forward this information to our team along with any other relevant information if you wish to undertake.

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Please explain your situation and the service you require so we can assign the best team member to your case.
Surveillance locations Uk Private investigators Surveillance Background check Tracing Missing people Covert Investigations Child Misconduct Investigation FAQ's investigation faqs

Nationwide Coverage

We have 12 office bases around the UK and Ireland allowing us full coverage of the nation.


I contacted Grey Investigators because I was worried for my Daughters safety. I thought her Father was hurting her but the team at Grey Investigators got photographs of his new girlfriend being abusive. I’d like to thank all the team. My Daughter is now safe and the courts have given me full custody with the evidence I had from the investigation.

 – Amisha

Elite team of experienced investigators

All our grey investigators have the highest levels of training from special forces backgrounds. 

Discreet and confidential investigative services

We pride ourselves on always being discreet and professional, with all our investigators signing NDAs

Nationwide and international coverage

Our 12 offices around the UK and Ireland give us full coverage of the nation + we can travel oversees when necessary

We take the security of our client’s data very seriously. We will never share any data without your consent and we will never ask to share any of our client’s information with third party companies.

Please feel free to ask within or visit our privacy policy page to view our full policy.

We are fully registered with the Information commissioner’s office (ICO)

Reference Number: ZA788159

For more information, please click the link below.