Hiring an Investigator
Hiring a private investigator used to be straightforward, almost elementary. Picture this: you’d hop into a hansom cab and head to 221B Baker Street. There, without any talk of fees or professional indemnity insurance, Sherlock Holmes would simply set off in a cloud of pipe smoke to catch the culprit.
The Evolution of Investigation
Those were the days before phone taps and computer hacking. Back then, you relied on decent but somewhat clueless policemen and cockney petty thieves who called you ‘Guv’. It was essential to be handy with a swordstick or revolver, and a good old-fashioned brawl could get you out of a tight spot. Everyone was an amateur, but with incredible deductive powers.
Surprisingly, even today, the private investigations industry remains largely amateur. In the UK, an estimated 10,000 private investigators offer services ranging from serving documents, investigating insurance fraud, and tracing missing persons to countering intellectual property theft, computer forensics, and gathering proof of adultery. Shockingly, none of these investigators are regulated by the government. Only about 20% have voluntarily submitted to regulation by a peer-reviewed body. This is why it’s crucial to choose the right investigator, such as Grey Investigators.
Choose Wisely
It would be unfair – and wrong – to assume these investigators are crooked. Many adhere to an ethical code and provide excellent value for money. However, given that some aspects of this work can tread the line of legality, how can solicitors distinguish between the good and the bad guys?
Grey Investigators have been instructing private investigators on behalf of insurance company clients for over 10 years. We emphasize that defrauding insurance companies is ‘not a victimless crime’. We all pay the price for fraud through increased premiums, a point that must be highlighted.
Industry Changes
The last decade has seen significant changes in the industry. Surveillance techniques have become more sophisticated as military-developed products have transitioned to civilian use. The growth of social media has also made a big difference, allowing investigators to build detailed profiles, especially of younger individuals. Often, people will say one thing in a witness statement and then something entirely different online. For instance, they might claim to be unable to pay their ex-wife while boasting about a new car or a recent Caribbean vacation online.
Investigation Examples
- Private Matters: If you suspect a partner of cheating, we can place a tail on them or even use a tracking device to uncover their activities.
- Corporate Investigations: We can investigate employees to prove theft or fraudulent sick leave, helping companies stop illegal activities.
- Insurance Fraud Investigations: We target individuals suspected of making false insurance claims, unfairly taking large sums of money.
How Surveillance Works
Firstly, the investigator will get to know the client, understanding their desires and expectations for the investigation. This determines the depth and means of the study.
Next, the investigator conducts an extensive background check on the subject, gathering vital information such as the subject’s name, address, phone number, physical description, photograph, and local relatives. Their habits, hobbies, schedules, and coworkers are also noted.
The investigator then familiarizes themselves with the area where the investigations will take place, using maps and pictures. Knowing the location both day and night results in a more effective investigation.
Subsequently, the investigator decides on the necessary equipment for the case, from dash cameras and tinted windows to simple items like a flashlight and a full tank of gas.
A specific plan is then prepared for the case, which includes developing a plausible explanation for being in the area and adjusting the car and clothes to blend in as much as possible.
Finally, the investigator begins the investigation, using common sense to avoid detection (such as not letting the subject make eye contact, not parking conspicuously, and not walking by the house more than once). During the investigation, extensive notes are taken, including dates and times, to report the most accurate information to both the client and the court.